Boycott United Airlines. Look what they did to this poor familiy!
Even for evil airline stories, this one may shock you. How about:
* Holding on to over $5,000 in ticket fees from a family for six months, then telling them the day before that the flight has been canceled;
* When confronted with the fact that the flight hasn’t been canceled, telling the family that the reservation has been lost;
* Finally admitting that they’ve bumped the family from the flight and were lying about the cancelation and the lost reservation;
* Offering replacement seats on multiple planes and days, splitting the family up on different flights and depositing them at different islands;
* Offering to get them there 5 days into a 7 day vacation, part of which was scheduled to spend time with a family member who was dying in a hospice in Hawaii;
* Refusing to write a letter on the family’s behalf so that they can collect their insurance payment on the house they rented but never used.
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