It’s been so long since I interviewed, but I always hate it – and I am not a good interviewer. Here’s from Tech Republic:
1. Bad non-verbal cues. I know it’s a cliché, but a firm handshake, good eye contact and sitting up straight in your chair really make a good impression. Myself, I don’t understand why someone can’t make the effort to grip my hand – it’s shows an utter lack of effort. Even women. Can’t make eye contact – what does this person have to hide? Or are they so shy that co-workers will run over them? Slumped down in the chair telegraphs disinterest in the job.
2. Talking too much or not enough. Now it’s your turn to watch the non-verbal cues of your interviewer. Watch the interviewer’s eyes. If you’re talking and the interviewer is starting to fidget or yawn, wind it up. On the other hand, if the interviewer pauses after you answer a question, then that may mean he was expecting more. If the interviewer is leaning forward towards you, this shows a lot of interest.
3. Not asking questions. I always hated the part where an interviewer asks if I have any questions. Sometimes you can’t possibly know enough just from an interview to be able to form any questions. Sometimes the interviewer has been so thorough in his descriptions of the job and company that there doesn’t seem to be any more to ask. To show you were listening to the interviewer and not just forming your next response, ask something realted to what the interviewer has said during the interview. Another source of questions is the company’s website – which implies that you did more than make a cursory glance..
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