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Entries Tagged as 'The Stupid Things People Do'

The CDC Puts Out Tips For Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse

May 20th, 2011 · No Comments

If you're    ready for a zombie apocalypse, then you're ready for any emergency.


Tags: The Stupid Things People Do

Question Easter: Take the Jesus Rising Quiz

April 18th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Credit: The Phoenix Atheists

Christ’s resurrection is the central event of Christianity, a fundamental truth that must be reaffirmed with vigor at all times, as to deny it in different ways, as has been attempted and continues to be attempted, or to transform it into a merely spiritual event is to make our faith vain. If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain.(1) Pope Benedict XVI

The Jesus coming-back-from-the-dead story is Christianity’s most important myth. You might think they would have their story straight, especially since they had years to rehearse it before writing the Bible. But if you think so, you are wrong.

Take this multiple choice quiz about the Jesus rising story:

1. What time of day was an empty tomb found?
A. While it was still dark (John 20:1)
B. Very early in the morning (Luke 24:1)
C. At dawn (Matthew 28:1)
D. After sunrise (Mark 16:2)
E. All of the above

2. Who first went to Jesus’ tomb?
A. Mary Magdalene (John 20:1)
B. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matthew 28:1)
C. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome (Mark 16:1)
D. Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joanna and the others with them (Luke 24:10)
E. All of the above

3. Did the woman or women meet anyone at the tomb?
A. Yes, a young man dressed in white was already sitting in the tomb (Mark 16:5)
B. Yes, two men in clothes that gleamed like lightening were not there initially but quickly appeared (Luke 24:4)
C. Yes, an angel who rolled away a stone from the tomb entrance and some guards who were standing there (Matthew 28:2-4)
D. Not at first, but later that day two angels appeared inside the tomb and talked to Mary Magdalene (John 20:12)
E. All of the above

4. To whom did Jesus speak first?
A. Two disciples (Luke 24:13)
B. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary (Matthew 28:9)
C. To Mary Magdalene alone (Mark 16:9)
D. In the presence of two angels, to Mary Magdalene, who first thought Jesus was a gardener (John 20:14-15)
E. All of the above

5. How long did Jesus hang around before heading up to heaven?
A. Only one day (Mark 16:19, Luke 24:51)
B. An unspecified period of time, but at least long enough for his disciples to get to Galilee (probably several days walk) (Matthew 28:16)
C. More than a week (John 20:26, 21:1-25)
D. Forty days (Acts 1:3)
E. All of the above

My guess is that you answered “all of the above” to each. That means either you are a cynic, a Bible scholar, or you figured the citations next to each answer means that I read the Bible passages and reported the answers accurately. The correct answer is “all of the above.”

It is difficult to believe that almost one-third of Americans (2) think the Bible is the inerrant word of god when the story tellers cannot even keep their most important story straight. If the “testimony” of the Bible were presented in court, the case would be dismissed for lack of reliable evidence. Religion requires faith because it lacks facts. The great mystery is why so many people let these poorly constructed ancient myths dictate their modern behavior.


Tags: Quotes · The Stupid Things People Do · Thoughts

The Degradation of the English Language

March 28th, 2011 · No Comments

OMG and LOL Just Added to the Oxford English Dictionary. WTF?


Tags: Every day life · Geek Speak · The Stupid Things People Do

One Million Reasons the Millionaire Tax Break is a Bad Idea

December 9th, 2010 · No Comments


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Sci Fi is Closer than We Think

November 23rd, 2010 · No Comments

Apparently, maybe it’s for “art”, a professor has implanted a camera in his skull. WTF??

The thumbnail-size camera implanted in his head will automatically snap one photograph per minute for an entire year, as The Wall Street Journal reported last week. Bilal, an assistant professor in the photography and imaging department of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts, intends to activate the camera on Dec. 15.



Tags: The Stupid Things People Do

Where your tax dollars go

November 9th, 2010 · No Comments

Social Security
Iraq/Afghanistan War

These are the big ticket items

Where your tax dollars go


Tags: The Stupid Things People Do

The Horrors of Converting Animals Still Alive into Food

July 19th, 2010 · No Comments


Tags: The Stupid Things People Do · Thoughts

Does it Matter What Your Political Party Is?

July 16th, 2010 · No Comments

It’s my contention that no matter what your political leaning that the public does not understand what it really believes. No one reads or investigates any more – they only listen to sound bites. If you’re violently opposed to either party, you’re missing what’s really going on – and playing into the hands of politicians.


Tags: The Stupid Things People Do · Thoughts

Are Supplements Bogus?

March 23rd, 2010 · No Comments

Here’s a great interactive chart showing which supplements have actual scientific data backing up any potential benefits.


Tags: The Stupid Things People Do

This is a new one

March 17th, 2010 · No Comments

I received this in my email box recently and had a laugh. The scams are moving out of Nigeria and into the US Military…….

I am a British soldier currently in Afghanistan. I am with the 40th Regiment Royal Artillery in Afghanistan. We hijacked a suspected Van painted black between the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. The Door gunners sitting behind machine guns in the Black Van tried shooting at our direction but we lunched a combat backup attack on the Black Van none of the Taliban survived the attack.

We discovered other currencies including US dollars of about $ 16 million loaded inside the Black Van with so many types of machine guns. We want to move this money out of this place, before we declare other items in the van to the international press. This place is a war zone you will keep our share pending the end of our assignment here in Afghanistan.

We will take 70%. You take 30%. No strings attached, just help us move it out of Afghanistan, Afghanistan is a war zone. We plan to use secured logistics courier to ship the money out in a large box.

If you can help to receive the box for us, I will send you the full details. Kindly send me an e-mail signifying your interest including your most confidential telephone/fax numbers for quick communication also your contact details. This should be a secret and must be a secret between us.

Gen Sir David Richards (right)


Tags: The Stupid Things People Do