Since I’m an Arizona resident, thought I’d give this a shot.
Mexicans don’t get any free benefits unless they have green cards. If you think they do, you are wrong. Free lunches at school is the only thing you got right (regarding benefits), and that’s only because you don’t have to show ID to get them. Contrary to popular myth, the majority of people taking advantage of the ER are Americans with no healthcare benefits, another reason we need to make healthcare a right and not a business.
FYI, most children of illegals are born in the US, giving them automatic US citizenship, so even the free lunch thing is right only part of the time. I don’t have a problem with the automatic citizenship thing – this country is so great because we are a nation of immigrants. We didn’t have strict illegal immigration policies on the books until the late 1930’s.
If only we would do what the Mexicans do when anyone applies for their green card (BTW, I have a Mexican green card, so I have this info firsthand) is run a background check and charge $200. The process took me 3 weeks. If we did the same and charged what the smugglers charged ($5000), we get a lot of money coming in PLUS the taxes they would pay.
Another thing, illegals being here is our fault. And not because of lax “border security”, which is laughable considering there is no border security on our Pacific and Atlantic coasts, nor on the Canadian board. We hire them. We hire them to build homes, clean homes, pick crops, wash dishes, etc. If we enforced laws punishing people who hire them, they would all go home. Better yet, why not slap a $10K fine on anyone hiring them (including private citizens that pick them up at Home Depot).