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Entries Tagged as 'Thoughts'

Here’s to Gene Sharp

September 13th, 2008 · 1 Comment

This guy has documented successful non-violent opposition to coup d’etats. There is another way. War is not the answer. From the Wall Street Journal today:

In his writings, Mr. Sharp teased out common principles that make nonviolent resistance successful, creating a broad road map for activists looking to destabilize authoritarian regimes. Mr. Sharp’s magnum opus, the 902-page “Politics of Nonviolent Action,” was published in 1973. But the main source of his success is his 90-page “From Dictatorship to Democracy.”

This slim volume offers concise advice on how to plan a successful opposition campaign, along with a list of historically tested tactics for rattling a dictatorial regime. Aimed at no particular country, and easily downloadable from the Internet, the booklet has found universal appeal among opposition activists around the globe.

Though he warns readers that resistance may provoke violent crackdowns and will take careful planning to succeed, Mr. Sharp writes that any dictatorship will eventually collapse if its subjects refuse to obey.

He offers a list of 198 methods of nonviolent action, like the staging of mock elections to poke fun at problems like vote-rigging, using funerals to make political statements and adopting symbolic colors, a la Orange Revolution in the Ukraine. Less conventional tactics include skywriting political messages and “protest disrobings.”

Here’s the link to his booklet:The Anti Coup. It outlines the way to prevent coup d’etats and how to fight them successful, all non-violently.


Tags: Thoughts

Listen to Me on The Radio!

September 12th, 2008 · No Comments


Tags: Quotes · Thoughts

No evidence of global warming here….

September 4th, 2008 · No Comments

Massive Arctic ice shelf breaks away

OTTAWA (Reuters) – A huge 19 square mile (55 square km) ice shelf in Canada’s northern Arctic broke away last month and the remaining shelves have shrunk at a “massive and disturbing” rate, the latest sign of accelerating climate change in the remote region, scientists said on Tuesday.

They said the Markham Ice Shelf, one of just five remaining ice shelves in the Canadian Arctic, split away from Ellesmere Island in early August. They also said two large chunks totaling 47 square miles had broken off the nearby Serson Ice Shelf, reducing it in size by 60 percent.

Pretty scary!


Tags: Thoughts


September 1st, 2008 · No Comments

And that’s all I have to say about that.


Tags: Thoughts

Is Chewing Gum Good for Dental Health?

August 18th, 2008 · No Comments

It’s well known that I have an aversion to being around people chewing gum. The sound of someone chewing their gum with their mouth open drives me so crazy that I can’t even think straight. Plus it looks decidedly uncouth! Recently, I had a long discussion with someone who maintained that chewing gum was good for you, and invited me to research it. I really think gum has no place in society. But of course I had to check it out. So Ed, this is for you!

According to this study:

Clearly, sugar-free chewing gum has no relevant mechanical tooth-cleaning effect, but the saliva stimulated by mastication will effectively dissolve and remove soluble fermentable substrate from the oral cavity, raise plaque pH, and promote remineralization. Thus, the chewing of tooth-friendly chewing gum after meals and carbohydrate-containing snacks is strongly recommended if no mechanical oral hygiene can be performed. The admixture of mineral salts to chewing gum formulations aimed at enhancing the pH-raising effect of chewing gum has been proven less effective than the incorporation of carbamide for the same purpose. Carbamide-containing chewing gum can be consumed for pleasure alone, but it is also specifically recommended for persons with high caries activity, especially in connection with hyposalivation and in patients with active tooth erosion (Imfeld, 1996).

My solution: Carry a toothbrush with you! 😆


Tags: Geek Speak · Thoughts

The meaning of the world, the universe and God

August 12th, 2008 · No Comments

So I was just driving around and thinking the other day (driving is when I do most of my thinking) and was giving some thought to the whole God thing. I met someone the other day and we had an in depth discussion about God. His was “yes, I believe” and mine was the opposite. The usual questions from him:

  1. Who made the universe
  2. How do you know what’s moral
  3. What happens when you die?

My usual questions/statements:

  1. Why does there have to be a God?
  2. I think morality is self-evident (then I quote the Declaration of Independance (“we hold these truths to be self-evident”)
  3. What about all the inconsistencies in the Bible (You want to see? Try this link.)
  4. I’ve accepted that when I die, it’s over and I’m gone. But whatever happens to me, happens to you, no matter what either of us believe
  5. Why does there have to be something that created the universe? If God always was, and matter is never created or destroyed, then why hasn’t the universe just always been?

So the last statement got me thinking. Maybe the whole universe, or the system that is the universe is God. The creator, the all present, ever-powerful. I can buy into that. You can feel one with the universe. A person is pretty insignificant in relation to the universe, but like the chaos theory, maybe the flap of a butterfly’s wings here on earth creates a super nova in another galaxy. I like those thoughts.


Tags: Thoughts


July 29th, 2008 · No Comments

def. A paramoralism is a pseudo-moral statement. It is stated in moral-like terms but with precisely the opposite intent and effect: to get what the commenter wants and to bamboozle the other person into being unable to use their normal means of knowing right and wrong.

I’ve heard a lot of those things recently!


Tags: Thoughts

Physical prescriptions for recovery

July 22nd, 2008 · No Comments

1. Exercise.

A daily bout of exercise – walking, running, lifting weights, dancing, the elliptical, yoga – will help your brain both regulate and release your feel-good hormones. A bonded relationship causes your brain to release oxytocin, a powerful “commitment” peptide. When it goes away you can become depressed. So let those other helpful hormones fill in the void. Exercise!

2. Eat a lot of fat.

Beneficial fatty acids in things like olive oil, nuts, avocados and salmon will baby your brain and help keep your mood stable. Eat some at every meal from here on out.


Tags: Thoughts

I’ve stopped fighting my inner demons…

July 21st, 2008 · No Comments

I’ve stopped fighting my inner demons – because now we’re on the same side! :)


Tags: Thoughts

Words to live by….

July 21st, 2008 · No Comments

“If there is something to desire, there will be something to regret.

If there is something to regret, there will be something to recall.

If there is something to recall, there was nothing to regret.

If there was nothing to regret, there was nothing to desire.”


Tags: Thoughts