Trip was fun, though there were some “mishaps”.
First of all, the bad news. The Kat that Dave brought for me was pretty un-rowable, neither me, Larry or Dave could row it comfortably. There was not enough clearance to fully bring back the oars for full strokes without leaning way forward or back. The first day for me was hell – 15 miles of flat water leaning forward most of the way. Larry tried it next and got stuck rowing it in lots of wind. Dave was still not convinced that it was un-rowable, so he rowed it for a day. Then he realized that it really did suck. 😆 So we all traded off rowing it. Dave made a solemn vow to “trick it out” for me so I would love it next time.
We had winds the second day approaching 45 miles/hr (when poor Larry was rowing). We had several nights of 15-25 degree temperatures which froze clothes, tents, water, and required extra time to thaw out frozen socks, pants, shoes, gloves. We just didn’t make the miles we needed to to get out on scheduled and this delayed the trip by a day. We got off the river Saturday around noon, de-rigged, Dave dropped me off at my car in Moab and I drove home.

The good news, we all had a bonding experience and Dave named us the “Deso 8″. Randy even wrote a song about our trip, it was pretty good. The scenery was gorgeous in the canyon with all of the cottonwoods a bright yellow and all the oak scrub brushes a bright scarlet color. Each camp spot was scenic and lots of good camp spots. I was able to row all day every day until Friday (even on that frickin’ Kat), when I needed to be a passenger after lunch for the rest of the day. I rowed Larry’s and Charles’s boats as well as the Kat. I handled the rapids well. The food was excellent.
I would do a trip again rowing my own boat, but I don’t think I have the upper body strength for so much flat water on such a long trip. Whew that is work!